

How To Increase Collagen Production With Skin Rejuvenation Treatment?

Collagen is a natural body protein responsible for ensuring your skin remains vibrant and young. Once you attain 20 years, the collagen produced reduces by 1% each year. However, skin rejuvenation treatment triggers the fibroblasts to secrete more collagen that softens wrinkles.

What Happens to Our Skin As We Grow Older?
Young skin tends to be firm, elastic, and plump. However, as we grow older, the skin changes. The dermis layer is responsible for these changes:

The dermis provides nutrients to the basal cells layer in the epidermis. The skin gets its thickness and volume from this layer that produces cells. With age, the nutrition process ceases to be as intensive as it was during our youthful days, and in turn, the skin thins out.

The Finger-like Projection Which the Dermis Creates
The papillary region has finger-like projections called dermal papillae that project towards the epidermis. This extension gives more nutrients to the basal cells. A firmer grip between the dermis and the epidermis leads to taut skin. With age, the number of finger-liked structures is decreasing, which makes the skin loose.

Collagen and Elastin Fibers
Collagens and elastin fibers form a supportive network beneath the dermal papillae. The skin becomes more resilient and supple when this layer is thick. The fibroblast cells that generate this layer become less nourished with age. This reduction in nutrition then negatively affects collagen production, leading to wrinkling and sagging of the skin.

Ways We Can Boost Collagen Production
- Consume serums and cereals such as beans, soya, and root vegetables rich in hyaluronic acid.
- Consume more vitamin C.
- Use aloe vera gel products.
- Spice up food with coriander – it contains vitamin C.
- Use skincare products with retinol.
- Use antioxidants.

Skin Rejuvenation with Light-Based Technology - How Does it Work?
Light photons are cast onto the skin. The mitochondria and the chromophores absorb the photons. The body then synthesis more ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate). More protein is synthesized, leading to more growth and proliferation of cells. Enhanced production of collagen and elastin fibers then occurs. The skin then becomes rejuvenated.

Improve your skin's appearance by opting for Skin Rejuvenation Treatment in Active Crystal Med Spa. Contact us today so we can consult you with the best option for your type of skin, needs, and budget!

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