

Morning vs Evening skincare routine

When looking for the best possible skincare routine to keep collagen high and skin healthy and glowing, it is important to keep night face regimens and morning face regimens different. Both morning and nighttime skincare is extremely important to the skin's health.

It's crucial not to start your day without a strong morning skin care plan. With never-ending stressors that face endures during the day such as oils from hands, dirt, makeup, UV rays, bacteria from cell phones, and much more, a correct morning routine needs to protect the skin by cleansing and moisturizing to keep the cells and collagen guarded.

So what is needed to protect skin and collagen from the terrors of daily life? A cleanser, free from sulfates, is the first-morning step to get rid of leftover night products and oils that accumulated while sleeping. Next, a morning moisturizer that is lightweight on the skin so that it's prepped and ready to face all the pollutants of the day ahead.

Evening skincare is much different because during the night it is the skin's chance to rest. Collagen has the chance to rebuild and the skin repairs and fights off aging, bouncing back from the stresses and external factors that it faced during the day. The collagen and skin cells now need to be replenished.

The same morning cleanser can also be used at night. The night is when it's time to get a wholesome and deep cleanse going. The skin needs heavier moisturizer at night so that it can absorb and do extensive re-hydrating while it rests and is less exposed. The night routine is also when it's best to add hydrating night eye creams to areas that tend to get dry and irritated and night serums to fight aging.

This is where Active Skincare comes in. With extensive treatment solutions and professional morning and night skincare lines, Active Skincare has uniquely formulated skincare products for multiple skin types, largely protecting the skin and boosting collagen to fight aging.

Contact us today to book an appointment to find the right skin care plan!

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